Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay On Landsat-4. 1 - 838 Words

4.2 Methods 4.2.1 Data Description Remote Sensing and ancillary data on the study area will be collected from different governmental agencies and organizations. A Landsat 8 image (spatial resolution of 30 m) of the study area will be acquired on January to March. The Landsat-8 (official name: LDCM - Landsat Data Continuity Mission) is the last of the historic Landsat series designed by NASA, one of the first missions of Earth observation and by far the most long-lived with decades of experience from the first satellite in 1972. Launched in February 2013, just a month later the satellite became operational providing shots with a time of 16 days. The improved image quality, compared to the previous Landsat-7, the introduction of new spectral†¦show more content†¦Therefore, it provides data on the reflectance of the land surface for many different wavelengths, as Landsat-8, but for some of them the resolution is much better, until 10 meters versus the 30 meters of Landsat-8 (Pia and et al, 2016). The digital elevation model (DEM, 10 m Ãâ€" 10 m) will be used in this study which will be generated from radar image of sentinel 1 with 10 m resolution. Climatological data (average rainfall data) will be collected from the Ethiopia Meteorological Agency. An exploratory soil map of study area will be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia or FAO, socio economic data will be acquired from CSA and other data will be acquired from respective bodies. 4.2.2 Preparation of Thematic layers Eight thematic layers will be produced and analyzed for this study which includes rainfall, soil, Geology, Geomorphology, Landuse/Landcover,Lineament, Drainage density and Slope.Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) algorithm will be used to estimate the amount of annual rainfall in the study area.Intensity and duration of rainfall play a significant role in infiltration. High intensity and short duration rain possesses less infiltration and more surface runoff. Low intensity and long duration rain possesses high infiltration than the runoff. High weight is given to the high rainfall area and least weight is given to low rainfall area (K. Ibrahim and S.A. Ahmed).The slopeShow MoreRelatedThe Development History Of Gis Essay2133 Words   |  9 PagesEssay on the development history of GIS Introduction This essay is about the development history of GIS (Geographical Information System). In the next paragraph the work of Charles Piquet in 1832 and John Snow in 1854 is mentioned. Furthermore the paragraph traces the development history between 1960 and 2014. It lists the development history from the Canadian GIS through the development of GPS until the launch of French satellite SPOT 7.The following paragraph defines the four major development

Monday, December 23, 2019

World War I And The Treaty Of Versailles - 979 Words

Everything always comes to an end; the Roaring Twenties came to an end on October 24, 1929 with the stock market crash. The world was a different place in the years of 1870-1914. John Maynard Keynes called it an economic utopia, products and raw material moved relatively easily, as well low tariffs. Immigration also saw a little red tape and many immigrants moved without many problems, which in turn left labor behind from the countries they left behind. At the time Britain was the number one lender providing the necessary capital for infrastructure, for example roads, canal, and railways. This enabled developing countries to pay back the loans and increase. The causes Great Depression were a numerous but let’s start with World War I and the Treaty of Versailles 1919. After the war the U.S. started to implement quota limits on immigrants and even band all Asian. Furthermore, war loans were not productive and destroyed the ability of the country to pay back the loads. Also the T reaty of Versailles did not offer any means to go back to the period of 1870-1914 and place the burden of the WWI in Germany. When the League of Nation came to be the United States were asked to join and lead the world but the U.S. declined. Also the U.S imposed high tariffs on imports, which all other countries followed the U.S example making things worse. In America credit started to dry up , one the loans to Germany, which Germany used to pay reparations to France and Britain, which France andShow MoreRelatedWorld War I And The Treaty Of Versailles1604 Words   |  7 Pageswondered why World War II happened despite World War I being the war to end all wars? World War I lasted four years and was very gruesome. Much of the Western Front was destroyed and about 10 million people died. Germany ended the war by ceasing fire and making an armistice on November 11, 1918. The Allied Power had successfully defeated the Central Powers and America had accomplished their goal to end the war . After the surrender from Germany, the Allied Power met up to make a treaty with GermanyRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles And The World War I Essay1977 Words   |  8 PagesThe Treaty of Versailles is the treaty that states the obligations of Germany towards the Allied Powers in the aftermath of World War I. Its main clauses include Germany exclusively accepting blame for the war, reducing its army, removing portions of its territory and paying reparations for the economic consequences of the war it was said to have caused. However, the level of the reparations detailed in the treaty far exceeded Germany’s capacity to pay, which led many to critique it. The economicRead MoreWorld War I And The Treaty Of Versailles1445 Words   |  6 PagesEverything commence in 1933, fifthteen years after World War I had ended because of the agreement to the Treaty of Versailles. Germany was still upset with the Treaty of Versailles, which basically said, Germany has to pay millions of dol lars, there army was reduced, and they couldn’t join the League of Nations. That just didn t settle with Germany so they decided to take matters into their own hands and start another global war, named World War II. WWII started in 1939 to 1945 because of many reasonsRead MoreWorld War I And The Treaty Of Versailles1463 Words   |  6 Pagesbetween a grand leader and an absolute tyrant. Germany was unfairly accused of World War 1 and all the unfortunate deaths and destructions that occurred. They were solely blamed and not given a chance to recover because they were forced to sign a peace treaty, the Treaty of Versailles, which began the downfall of Germany. Before World War 1, Germans were incredibly proud of their heritage; however, compared to after World War 1 the people were seen with their heads hung in shame and humiliation. EveryoneRead MoreWorld War I And The Treaty Of Versailles Essay1835 Words   |  8 PagesWorld War I has ended with a Treaty of Versailles, whi ch was signed in France, was actually one of the causes to begin the World War II. Germany was much expended, and it was overtaking the other countries land. This treaty made Germany lose approximately 13 percent of its home territory . â€Å"The Polish State has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and has appealed to arms. Germans in Poland are persecuted with bloody terror and driven from their houses. A series of violationsRead MoreWorld War I : The Treaty Of Versailles2323 Words   |  10 PagesWorld War I was a horrific experience for all of those involved because of the extremely high casualty rates. It was even more devastating for those that found themselves on the losing end of the war, including Germany. Post-war Germany went through a major socialist revolution. One which led to the formation of various communist political systems. Due to the establishment of the Weimar Republic, these politically radical arrangements faltered and dissipated. Soon after its enactment, the WeimarRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles After World War I1538 Words   |  7 PagesSown Thesis: The peace treaty that resulted from World War 1 was not too harsh of a punishment for the offenses committed. I. To help better one’s opinion, one must first understand the events leading up to the results of the treaties. A. The terms of the peace treaty were an attempt to prevent wars in the future. B. The peace treaty did not succeed because it was not enforced. II. Second, the treaty of Versailles was not too harsh ofRead MoreThe Versailles Treaty World War I Ended1310 Words   |  6 PagesWith the creation of the Versailles Treaty World War I ended. It ensured that national identity and independence was preserved limiting Germany powers. Like with everything in life there were some negative effects of the treaty. The worst â€Å"side effect† was that it lead to World War II giving rise to Hitler’s powers. The Germans were deeply hurt placing â€Å"war guilt† on Germany. Once WWI ended one of the biggest side effects of WWI was the physical destruction, besides millions of people died orRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles Ended World War I1708 Words   |  7 Pages The Second World War took approximately 50,000,000 to 60,000,000 lives (â€Å"World War II†). But this total does not include the millions not accounted for, many of them infants. The war had many causes, but the vast fault lay on a piece of writing from twenty years before the war even started. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I but instigated the events that led up to World War II. Because the treaty of Versailles was so harsh on Germany, the effects of those terms allowed the Nazi partyRead More World War I and The Treaty of Versailles Essay559 Words   |  3 Pages As a result of World War I, Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, made to pay for the war, and had to disarm themselves, which directly led into World War II. Germany went down the tubes after they were forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. There economy crashed and there money had just about no value. Many people that World War II was just a 20 year break from World War I. They were right because just about 20 years later World War II started. There are many things that could

Sunday, December 15, 2019

American influence to world war Free Essays

The First World War or the Great War was primarily a global conflict that was fought in Europe from 1914 to 1918. Some nations were actively involved in this war and among them were Britain and France. All this long America had not being involved in this war . We will write a custom essay sample on American influence to world war or any similar topic only for you Order Now They sought to remain neutral. They had the intentions of being silent both in deeds and thoughts . As a matter of fact, in December 1916 the then president of America Woodrow Wilson had offered himself as a mediator in this European conflict. This idea of being neutral did not go for long following a series of events that were going on between 1915 and 1917. The Americans lost their lives when German submarine warfare declared the â€Å"sinking of ships tradition†. The most hurting was the attack on May 7, 1915 against Lusitanian ship when 128 Americans perished. This broke the relationship between the Americans and Germans. One of the factors that led to joining in this war was President Wilson’s idealism. He persuaded the congress to declare war on Germany . He argued that western civilization could be destroyed or hampered thus his announcement â€Å"war to end wars† This was taken to mean that his intention was to create a ground for peace building and prevention of catastrophic future wars. According to Wilson, the way out to resolving these disputes could only be attributed to issues like ,general association by nations that would form international associations of nations to preach peace for example the league of nations, The Turkish People of Ottoman empire were to become a sovereign. He also looked forward to seeing integrity being granted to Romania, Montenegro, Serbia and Balkan states at the same time Serbia to be given the freedom to use the Adriatic Sea. He wanted the freedom to the seas and free trade. The Italian borders were to be redrawn on lines of nationality. Wilson wanted the abolishment of secret treaties . Another key factor for joining the war was the economic interests. As these conflicts went on, the Americans were eying on it. It was becoming clear that the British-French alliance was at the verge of loosing the war to the Germans. Their anxiety was attributed to the fact that the Americans were fully involved in financing them. As observed earlier, the turning point for waging war on the Germans was when they declared the â€Å"unrestricted warfare on submarines† in January 1917. The trading business ties between the Americans and other central powers had a negative impact. It was at this point that Americans declared war but there was nothing to do with naval policy as perceived to be. It was about the safe guarding of their economic investment and trade rather than protecting the poor Americans. In another perspective, due to Americans neutral stand, their businessmen were in a position to trade with both sides and got large profits. They were trading with both the Germans and other super powers like the British and French. (Vincent Joseph 2003) As the war went on and continued the private European business and the British government and its allies bought more and more American weapons and non-military goods. To pay for them, they had to borrow money from American financiers since they had exhausted their resources. This made them earn lots of wealth. Before the World War 1, majority of the American exports went overseas in foreign ships. Unfortunatery when British entered into war, the British navy blocked German ships from conducting and engaging in international trade. The German Navy also halted the British and allied from shipping. This resulted to decrease in the number of ships available for freight and consequently increase in cost of shipping goods. This made American exporters find it difficult to conduct their business as usual . They reiterated by joining the war with an aim of ending this stalemate. (Allan R Millet2001) America was also influenced to join the war against the Germans by pressure from domestic propaganda campaigns. This was executed by a committee on public information. These propagandas were being conducted by many government committee community leaders who were giving pro-war speeches in many public gatherings. There were private and government vigilante groups that were involved like; the American Protective League. There was a general harassment and repression on those opposed to Americans joining the war. There were also other forms and means of propagating propaganda and among them were; large print posters, photos, newsreels, magazines and newspapers among other methods. Americans were also influenced to join in the war due to the issue of German Naval policy. In 1917 Germany returned to the policy of unrestricted warfare on submarine. This policy was first introduced in 1915. This naval policy declared the area in the British Isles a war zone. This meant that the ships trading along these waters and those of neutral states would be attacked by the naval. There were chains of attacks on ships that led to the sinking of the British ship,Lusitania by a German U_boat. Despite the fact that this ship was carrying military equipment and was rather meant for passengers only did not hider the then president of America Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany in 1917(Allan R Millet ,2001) In conclusion, the German Naval policy stipulated that, whenever an American ship was found on the Atlantic Ocean and be suspected to be providing military equipment to the British would be destroyed. The economic interest of the American was to open the trade-links especially in Europe. However, this could not happen because the German U-boats were destroying ships including the Lusitanian which made America join the war. Work cited Allan R Millet, Military effectiveness in First World War, Oxford University Press. (2001) Albert Edward, McKinley World War I McKinley Publishers, London (2002) Vincent Joseph, A concise History of World War I, Oxford University Press, London, (2003). How to cite American influence to world war, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Punctuality Marine Corps Essay Example For Students

Punctuality: Marine Corps Essay PUNCTUALITY It is a Marines responsibility to do the correct thing 24/7. Many times people turn to us for guidance and we must be there, and ready to lead from the front. To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late. My father has preached this to me for many years. Throught my short period in the Corps my mentors and NCO’s have instilled in me the importance of accountability. Every part and piece has to be in place for a clock to work. Not one cog or gear can be missing. Just like the Marine Corps, every Marine has a job to do. Without that marine doing his job production gets slowed down, and or is halted. No matter how big or small the job is, it needs to be done because in the end the our result is freedom. Being late for work can cause many problems that is often over looked. Showing up late could cause Marines to lose motivation or the sense of self respect. A Marine must hold themselves to higher standards even when put into tough situations. We are the few. The proud. The Marines. In the Marine Corps it is a good rule of thumb to show up fifteen minutes prior to initiate the training and to start the day off at the correct time. This makes it easier for everyone keeping morale up. If a Marine starts coming in late they will lose the respect from their fellow Marines and the others will start coming in whenever they feel is right. Often times when Marines are given inch, they take a mile. We must not forget anything either. We might have our weapon, but we cannot fire without ammunition. For the fault of one marine, because they did not show up on time is the same as not having all of our gear. For lack of a nail the shoe was lost, for lack of shoe the horse went lame, for lack of a healthy horse a letter was not delivered, for want of an undelivered letter the general lost the War† Fast and the Furious-Tokyo Drift 2006. We can use the corps values to explain reasons not to be late to our appointed place of duty as well as our second leadership principal to be technically and tactically proficient. It takes Honor to know what one needs to do in order to be at work on time weather it means setting an alarm, or asking the duty to bang on the hatch at a certain time. A Marine needs to have the Courage to show up at all costs. Rain, sleet or snow the training must go. Last but not least Commitment, we need to be committed to the task at hand. Which is to be where one is told to be, when one is told to be there. There are a great deal of young people who are new to the workforce and may not know that it is appropriate to be on time; however, seasoned Marines should know better and should mentor those who do not, as to keep them out of trouble, and to keep morale at its highest. The Marine Corps has been good to me and I am proud to be serving my country. The lessons I have learned here during my enlistment will ever help me in my future employments and occupations. During my short time here I hope I can inspire the marines that come after me and I hope they will take after my example of being prompt and ready to work every day in am in the Corps. OOO-RAH!!! MAN 1O K WG 1/20 K Engage 10k wg 1/8 k / 1/20